The sun was high, in the autumn sky
When snow began to fall
And we were far, from the big “O Bar”
Out in the freezin' squall
Now Buster was a likely hoss
That knew the home range well
So there was not a problem
As far as I could tell
I hadn't gauged the fury
That was pent up in the storm
And what we would experience
Was far beyond the norm
When snow began a buildin' up
And driftin' here and there
I soon became a mite concerned
So said a little prayer
We hurried on, till day was gone
Which brought a touch of, fear
It still was far, to the big “O Bar”
And nothing else was near
Old Buster picked it up a notch
He knew as well as I
That home was still a ways ahead
And time was passin' by
I felt old Buster falter
So, I climbed out of my kack
And took away the burden
Of the load upon his back
I knew I couldn't last for long
But had to do my best
To walk at least a mile or two
And give him time to rest
I couldn't see, ahead of me
So didn't really know
If we were far, from the big “O Bar”
Or which way we should go
I stumbled twice but carried on
I couldn't feel my feet
And couldn't see too far ahead
Through all the snow and sleet
I barely found the strength required
To climb back on my horse
And couldn't find the reins at all
So Buster picked the course
I thought I saw an angel
In an aura through the snow
Her wings and halo shinin'
A rare unearthly glow
I start to fall, and give a call
As ev'rything turns black
It's still too far, to the big “O Bar”
I never will get back
My thoughts began to wander
To days left far behind
And mem’ries went a racin' through
My cold befuddled mind
I feel a downy softness
And tinglin' in my toes
The smell of fresh brewed coffee
Assails my frostbit nose
Through slits of swollen eyes I see
My sweetheart, my dear wife
That Buster hoss, had brought me home
He'd truly saved my life
In whispered shame, I called her name
And asked how Buster fared
He'd brought me far, to the big “O Bar”
I hoped his life was spared
She told me he was doin' fine
And restin' in the shed
And just like me, it had been close
We both were nearly dead
I told the boys to rub him down
And give him lots of grain
And do not spare the liniment
If he showed any pain
Well life has changed for me a mite
I have my second chance
Believe me when it comes to life
I'm ready for the dance
I truly try, to prove that I
Am worthy to be here
Not stray too far, from the big “O Bar”
In the autumn of the year