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Weekly Letter


Second Sunday Letter of 2018

Thirteenth Edition Volume 2

August 14th 2018


     Have been studying a bit the last few days about the “Global Warming” situation… and have come to the conclusion that… it just isn’t happening… Saturday low (at my home) 49 degrees ~ Sunday low 45 degrees ~ Monday low 48 ~ today’s low 51 degrees… quite a departure from the average, with the middle of August being 57 degrees. Al Gore is not to be trusted, and we have known that since Viet Nam, so why do people listen to him? The “Little Ice age”, was not that long ago and anyone who has paid any attention to the evolution of this planet knows that it is cyclical. There have been many ice ages. Now that does not mean that I do not think that “Mankind” has not damaged this planet, that would be absurd, but enough to alter an established pattern? I am sceptical.

      As another year rolls on, I find that Life’s ups and downs continue. It seems like I can never catch up with either my labours or finances. As soon as I get one adjusted the other kicks in and I have to start adjusting all over again, although, as far as the finances go, a job of one kind or another comes along when needed the most, and I feel that is God looking after one of his “Dummies”. The fact that my working years were cut short in ’80, by the accident that necessitated the removal of the disc between C6 and C7, sure set my life into a spiral that has been tough to deal with. I am not crying, for I would not change anything, as everything led up to my finding Mary Jane and would have negated some of the happiest years of my life, and in our relationship learned what Love between a Man and a Woman could truly be..

     I have seventy pages of my second book completed, about a third, and have a Novel I could publish as well as two short stories, started a second novel… about where it stands with my writing at the moment. The first book of poetry, which many of you have purchased, has been nominally successful. Just have to get it out there a little at a time. Those who have bought it seem to enjoy it, and that is good, and what I intended it to do.

       And so, life goes on. “One Day at a Time”, enjoying what is pleasant and tolerating what is not… discouraged at the political situation and the idiotic way that many folks are treating their fellow Americans. Seems to be little pride in our country and it’s unprecedented accomplishments by the younger people, too easy to get on the dole and wanting more (Socialism has never, and will never work, because of the Human factor ) by using force to accomplish the desires of a few and selfishly denying those of the many. We as parents are to blame for this, as we tried to give an easier life to our children, and in doing so, took from them… incentive, the pride of accomplishment, inventiveness, and willingness to accomplish on their own. Now, not all young people are this way, but there are enough to disrupt the principles that have made this country unique. Off the “Soap Box”.

     My dear Friends and Family, for the time being, I have run out of something to say, so will start getting lots of words and events begun to later on create another of these letters. So I will close for now, as I have for a long time… if you have received this letter from us, you know that you are thought of and loved. That we desire for you, enough of what you want, to make you happy, and enough of what you need to sustain your life. We ask for prayers for this country… our new President… those in need... those who are suffering... our Men at Arms, those who are alone… and those who provide care, comfort and safety for others. We also ask in Prayer for a simple cure for Cancer that even those with little means might afford. Until We meet you here again with our next “Sunday Letter”, I close with love from us…

~~~Me & Mary Jane~~~

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