Willing Love
By Sidney M “Sid” Benson
The love you gave to me,
Fills the heart that beats within this man
The life you shared Sweetheart
Was more than I deserved, but then
You gave it willingly
What loving memories
Reside within the mind of me
The days and nights together
In youthful reverie, I see
You shared them willingly
To dream and remember you
Is all that now remains for me
But that love, and you
Are tightly locked within
And will remain there willingly
© 2022 by Sidney M. “Sid” Benson All Rights Reserved
By Sidney M. “Sid” Benson
As I’s a workin’ in the yard,
Thur came an orfull fuss…
One o them Jet Air-o-planes
Was a flyin’ over us
It were noisy, I declare
It liked to made me deef
Had to duck and hide my head
To give my ears relief
It sounded worse’n thunder
And I am here to say
The ruckus it was causin’
Throwed a kink into my day
Fer Bessie took off runnin’
I caught her down the road
All tuckered out and shakin’
Her legs all splayed and bowed
Seen Bears and Cougars runnin’
Tryin’ hard to get away
Deer and Elk among ‘em
All mixed up in a fray
Not payin’ any never mind
That next to them was meat
Them pred-a-tors kept racin’ on
And missin’ not a beat
Fer all the fear, the noise had brung
There was a blessing too
Fer now ther’s peace and quiet
The blessed whole night through
And for a while, I reckon
Since the critters all lit out,
Them hunters from the city
Will have to do without
© Copyright 2018 By Sidney M. “Sid” Benson
All Rights Reserved
Sunday Learnin’
By Sidney M. “Sid” Benson
It were Sunday, oh yes it were…
And home from Church I sat
Ponderin’ hard on life’s meaning,
A twistin’ and turnin’ my hat
The preachers words came back to me…
All his Hell fer Leather preachin’,
Had stirred up the congregation
‘Bout the lesson he was teachin’
He got all the folks to worryin’
‘Bout the way they was a livin’
And if things they’d been a doin’
Just might be thought as sinnin’
I knew that Bubba had a still
Out back among the trees
And swear he was the very first
To land upon his knees
His Adams Apple wobbled
As he tried and tried to speak
But nothin’ was forthcommin’
‘Cept an itty bitty squeek
And Bessie Joe was next to him,
Which brought to me a smile
She’s the gossip of the county,
And the worst for many a mile
Her eyes were closed and strainin’
And her lips were pinched real tight
I nearly broke out laughin’
As I was thinkin’ ‘bout that sight
I got to wishin’ I had sat
In a Pew way back in the rear
To see all the people a sweatin’
And wishin’ they were not here
But I always sat way up in the front
And couldn’t turn around
But knew it must be comical
A judgin’ by the sound
A lesson from this might be learned
‘Bout the things we say and do
‘Cause someday you might go to Church
And that Preacher’s a visitin’ you
© Copyright 2018 By Sidney M. “Sid” Benson
All Rights Reserved